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The Beat Goes On: How Music Rhythm Boosts Reading Literacy
A growing body of research reveals a compelling link between music rhythm and reading literacy, suggesting that tapping into the power of...
The Unlikely Non-Cognitive Benefits of a Performing Arts Education
One might typically evaluate the benefits of a performing arts education primarily in its capacity to improve one’s cognitive skills as...
How to Create Effective Learning Objectives using Music Theory as an example.
Bloom's Taxonomy is a framework used to categorize educational goals and objectives into levels of complexity and specificity. The...
Is Intelligence the most important criteria for success?
What are the important criteria for success?
Nurturing Mental Well-being in Singaporean Kids: The Harmonious Benefits of Music Education
In the fast-paced and competitive environment of Singapore, the well-being of our children is of paramount importance. As parents,...
How to Improve Sight Reading in Young Children
Can you learn music well without learning to read notes at an early age? Read on. HOW DO WE TEACH SCORE READING TO OUR CHILDREN? We would...
Self Discipline : Foundation for Success
Self-Discipline (noun) self-dis·ci·pline | \ ˌself-ˈdi-sə-plən \ “Correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement “ -...
Tips for SA1 Chinese
Primary 4 to 6 小四华文SA1准备贴士 试卷一 (1) 复习自己写过的作文(建议誊清) · 了解自己常犯的错误,如错别字、标点符号等 (2) 阅读范文(把好词好句划出) · 掌握好作文的结构,提升自己的词汇量 试卷二 (1)复习课本字词(包括汉语拼音、含义等)...
#1 Super Food for your Child's Brain
Digital media and screens are now ubiquitous in the lives of children. Allowing pre-school children to play on tablets, mobile phones and...
The Importance of Nursery Rhymes in Early Childhood Language Development.
Why teach Nursery Rhymes? There are probably three important reasons why nursery rhymes are so crucial to early childhood education. You...
Do you have what it takes to be a Music Teacher?
Many parents do not mind investing their time and money in sending their children for music, dance and arts enrichment classes, as these...
Importance of Learning Music Theory
Stop Learning Theory? Is it a fallacy that Music Theory is not important? Read on for the true picture.. 1. Let’s start with the lower...
Studies & Music
AN INTERVIEW WITH STUDENTS OF SMART PROGRAM We asked them to talk about how their musical journey from a young age has helped them in...
Mozarts to Shakespeare?
Early Musical Training Enhances Infants Language Learning New research by scientists at the University of Washington’s Institute for...
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